数据中的经济学和隐私(李向阳, 张兰) 2020春 2019春 2018春 2017春  课程号:CS0517701
2020春 2019春 2018春 2017春  课程号:CS0517701
  • 课程难度:中等
  • 作业多少:中等
  • 给分好坏:一般
  • 收获大小:一般
选课类别:专业 教学类型:理论课
课程类别:研究生课程 开课单位:计算机科学与技术系
课程层次:硕士   学分:3.0
排序 学期

评分 评分 1条点评

boj 2017春
  • 课程难度:中等
  • 作业多少:中等
  • 给分好坏:一般
  • 收获大小:一般
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:一般



The course will start with a review of necessary background topics in cryptography (such as number theory, basic conventional encryption methods, basic public key cryptosystems, basic digital signature systems, and zero knowledge proof systems), game theory (such as auctions), big data basics, and machine learning/deep learning basics. We will then discuss applications of cryptography and auctions in big data processing and trading. New and emerging topics in both theoretical research and applications will be presented as well. The goal of the course is to provide students with the necessary foundations to apply cryptography, game theory, and machine learning techniques in new and emerging big data fields. The focus of this class is to discuss and understand the security/privacy and economics challenges in data systems.

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教师主页: 戳这里


教师主页: 戳这里


未知 2017春
李向阳 2018春 2016春


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