批判性思维与英语沟通(Bradley Thomas Hotle) 2022秋  课程号:FL1106A02
2022秋  课程号:FL1106A02
  • 课程难度:中等
  • 作业多少:中等
  • 给分好坏:超好
  • 收获大小:很多
选课类别:英语拓展 教学类型:理论课
课程类别:英语拓展课程 开课单位:外语教学中心
课程层次:通修   学分:2.0
排序 学期

评分 评分 3条点评

慝名用户 2022秋
  • 课程难度:中等
  • 作业多少:中等
  • 给分好坏:超好
  • 收获大小:很多
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多

This class is mainly about debating and making presentations. We originally planned to have six debates, but unfortunately we only managed to have two debates and presentations, partly due to the pandemic and partly because the originally present slow progress (which is understandable because this is the first time Mr. Hotle is teaching this course). There are also two video homeworks in which you have to record a video in which you talk about a topic.

So first about the debates. We first learn something about debates. Then there is first a warm-up debate, which is very kind of messy because we don't know the techniques yet. Then we learn more about debates. Then we have another debate, this time much better. However we didn't have a third debate due to the pandemic and we really had been looking forward to it.

Next about the presentations. This is possibly the most frustrating thing about this course, at least to me. We have to make a presentation that can arouse the audiences' interest, long but not that long (I originally thought that the presentation won't be long enough, but later I found out that it can be easily too long), and the most challenging aspect is that you can't read from a piece of paper. So the preparation can be very annoying, and when you're on the stage you will be very anxious, but when you finally receive your score and your comments, you will be quite satisfied.

Finally about the teacher. Mr. Hotle is very friendly and likes interacting with us. One interesting feature about the lessons is that every time at the start we play a warm-up game, usually two true one false. And because L4 has no upper bound for A, Mr. Hotle will try his best to raise our scores and therefore I believe everyone can receive a good score.

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匿名用户 2022秋
  • 课程难度:中等
  • 作业多少:中等
  • 给分好坏:一般
  • 收获大小:一般
  • 难度:中等
  • 作业:中等
  • 给分:一般
  • 收获:一般


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sgong 2022秋
  • 课程难度:简单
  • 作业多少:很少
  • 给分好坏:超好
  • 收获大小:很多
  • 难度:简单
  • 作业:很少
  • 给分:超好
  • 收获:很多

CTC上课主要内容围绕pre和debate展开,各有两场,期末是pre。老师会很细致地教你怎么把debate和pre做好,包括引导你准备论点和论据、怎么说理、怎么做slide等等。课堂氛围很轻松,毕竟主要就是聊天,主题有996工作制、高等教育和最近大火的AIGC等等。Brad会把每一节课的warm-up game(二真一假游戏)也算作课堂表现的一部分(当然我从来没做过hh)。作业基本无(除了统一分配的俩video homework)。给分样本不多不好评价,反正我觉得非常满意。



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Bradley Thomas Hotle

教师主页: 暂无


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未知 2022秋 2021秋
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